Laura Scarfe

Laura Scarfe

Negotiation, influencing and emotional intelligence expert


Laura Scarfe

With a background in public and private sector procurement, Laura has trained over 5000+ professionals over the 13 years.  Specialising in negotiation, influencing and emotional intelligence training, Laura has designed and delivered training programs for a wide variety of organisations including 10-figure businesses.

Having received many accolades over the course of her career for her engaging style and innovative approaches to learning, Laura believes in the concept of edu-tainment, the fact that laughter leads to greater memory retention.  A gifted storyteller, her training is infused with passion, dynamism and humour.  

Through international negotiations, Laura became fascinated by human behaviour and in particular non-verbal interactions.  Unintentionally insulting potential suppliers with her body language led her to studying human behaviour and create internationally recognised training courses in this area. She is one of the few trainers in the world to be a Paul Ekman Certified Trainer and has been featured numerous times on various BBC radio shows to analyse behaviour and give advice.

When not working you are most likely to find Laura travelling the world with her partner, especially to their favourite country South Africa, or at home with her animals, her miniature dachshund Pepper and her cats.

Laura Scarfe


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